Parent – Teacher Meeting
Parents can meet the teachers every second Saturday. On other occasions parents may be allowed to meet the teachers only with the prior permission of the Principal. After each Semester the parents will be called to meet the class teachers, on the date fixed by the school and progress reports of their wards will be issued to them. Progress reports and final results will be given only to the parents.
illness and Isolation
Student Absent Policy
It is a matter of deep concern that parents send children suffering from infectious ailments to attend classes or examinations. Such conduct could result in an epidemic outbreak in the entire School. At the first sight of rash / fever, they should be medically examined and sent to school only on the advice of a doctor. After recovery from an infectious ailment, a child should remain at home for a period of quarantine as advised by a doctor. On return to School a ‘medical fitness certificate’ duly signed by a doctor should be submitted to the office.
Quarantine period recommended for:
- Chicken pox: 2 weeks
Measles: 2 weeks
Mums: 2 weeks
Conjunctivitis: 1 weeks
If a child comes to school with infectious ailments, he/she will be sent home. During the Unit- Tests, if the child is ill, please do not send him/her for just the test. A student must be sent only when he/she is well enough to be in the school for the whole day.